ive been coming down with a cold these past few days. My roommate went home to visit his family and came back with a cold and now i have it. im staying in my dorm today as i dont feel any better and dont want to get others sick, it sucks ass tho bc my college is rlly strict on attendace. i feel like i can go to the health center tho bc im not that sick, im just worried abt spreading it. so 4 rn im just sitting rotting in my room feeling sorry 4 myself. i should probs do some school work tho. i knew college would be a lot more than HS, but i dont think i was preped 4 this much of a workload lol. i feel like ive been managing ok tho, i have a "master to-do list" on my g-drive so i can accsess it on all my devices and i feel like thats been helping me. i have all my out-of-class work on there as well as some personal to-dos. i also have a notion set up for my classes so using them in tandum has been helping me stay as oragnized as i can. (we love ADHD combinded type lol).
today i went 2 the zoo with the drawing and painting club to do gesture sketches of the animals. i had a pretty good time, they had red pandas, which are my faveorite animals. i got a lamb plushie from the gift shop bc i already have a red panda plushie and i rlly like hoe the sheep looks. shes very soft and ive decided to call her lidya bc i thought its a pretty name.i cant wait to learn css code tho, ik this page looks so fucking ugly rn (not that anyone is veiwing it lol) ive just been so swamped wit school work recently tho :((. and i try to watch vids and take notes so i can look back on them w/o needing to rewatch vids everytime i wanna do somethin. once i learn css its over for u bitches lol. peace and love -TheCatHooman
so. the election. i am an openly queer person in a swing state, i do not feel comfortable sharing which one. i have been openly non-binary for nearly 5 years. most of my friends are queer, poc, and nerodivergent. 3 days ago, millions of people went to to polls and voted not out of love and empathy, but out of hate and malice. the system we are living in is not democracy. i am in a college with an open campus, anyone can just walk around it. surrounding campus is a smaller, rual town. i am scared for my own saftey, and that of my friends and loved ones. i am looking into orginizations near where i live to help people on a local level to help were i can. as a college student though, i have little time and money. i recomend anyone reading this do the same. try to focus on what you can do rather than what you cant. and above all, please stay alive. peace and love- TheCatHooman
some of my friendships have been waring on me, as it turns out they have found interacting with me depressing. when i first learned that, i tried to be more positive around him but he's done somethings recently that have made me and some other friends really uncomfortable around him so i've just been very dry to him. its hard to avoid him because he's one of my roommates. it's a really shitty stiuation so i'm taking some time to stay home for the weekend to get away from every thing for a bit. this next tuesday is my birthday, i'll be 19. it feels like such an adult age, but i also know that its so far from being a "real" adult. but it feels like a big deal, but i think i might be the only one who feels that way. and i still haven't learned css lol. the seasonal depresion is kicking my ass rn, and i only have therapy every other week. that's not to say i'm not greatful to be able to go to therapy, bc i really am. but i feel like i need it more often then i'm getting it rn. but oh well, i'll figure it out, i always do. peace and love- TheCatHooman